The wounded Canelo Heavyweight returns with a tranquil Ko in Mexico
2 days agoon

The Cuban heavyweight Frank Sanchez quietly returned to the boxing ring in Tijuana on Saturday evening, when he could appear on a huge account in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Were it not for the Puncher Team Canelo, who lost to Agit Kabayel in May 2024, Sanchez would be opposite Zhilei Zhang on the fleeting heavyweight title WBC about Art Beterbiew vs. Dmitryry Bivol Epic Undercard on the Kingdom arena. Like fate, Sanchez faced the 24-stages of Ramon Echeverria. Fight in Luis Nery vs. Kyonosuke Camera Bill was a basic reconstruction exercise without prospects that the warrior became a master in the coming months.
Sanchez ended Echeverria with minimal confusion, registering eighteen downtime from the 25th victory in the third round. However, a skillful boxer knows that he must be patient. The most essential division is in such a position that all perspectives of the heavyweight world championships disappear with one failure.
The 32-year-old said: “Thanks to my team. I am vigorous and I came back! “
He suffered an injury during a clash with Kabayel and it was a long process of recovery. The great claimant underwent surgery, and the up-to-date chapter started this weekend. However, training with coach Canelo Alvarez Eddy Reynoso and Ryan Garcia, who joined the team, Sanchez will try to push the shot in Oleksandr Usyk, knowing that time is essential.
Heavyweight division
After thirty, Sanchez is in a better position than many best rivals, and the secondary ruler WBO Joseph Parker and Kabayel in front of him in order of pecking. Parker knocked out tardy Deputy Martin Bakole to strengthen his position after the tardy withdrawal of Daniel Dubois. At the same time, Kabayel detained Zhilei Zhang in six rounds, when the Chinese Juggernaut lacked a couple.
“The Cuban Flash” is in the category just below the fleeting owners of the weight class titles. In addition, the Reynoso coach works in the ranking to bring Sanchez closer to one of the belts.
Return around April or potentially on Undercard Canelo vs. In May, William Scull appointed Sanchez to the place on the account of Terenca Crawford for September. Victories at these events would make Sanchez back to the center of attention and again in the thoughts of Turka Alalshikh.
Register on Bulletin WBN For free and receive daily messages directly in -mail. Never miss history.
Read all articles and exclusive interviews by Phil Jay. Learn more about the authorAn experienced boxing writer and World Boxing News Editor since 2010.
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The World Boxing News provides full results of the card and compuber statistics from the Beterbiv vs Bivol 2 event at the Kingdom of Arena in Saudi Arabia.
Joseph Parker lowered through the unquestioned Martin Bakole after they knew a warrior who knew that he had little in the tank. Bakole entered from just 48 hours in advance, weighing the full thirty pounds over normal weight. Kongan knew that he had only a low time to cause injuries and did it at the end of the first round. However, Parker grabbed him high in the second, and his balance completely disappeared. He got up from Count ten, but coach Billy Nelson was already at hand to speak more. Parker was called by Oleksandr Usyk after his victory.
Compubox: After the summer opening frame, Parker landed three more blows than Bakolie, Bakolie left, wanting to hurt Parker in the second round. Bakolie actually landed more power strokes (14) than Parker (10) in the round, but Parker’s last blow caught bakolie on the top of his head and sat on canvas. The judge reached the count ten at 2:17 second round.
Shakur Stevenson took out the overdue substitute for Josh Padley with a bruise at the end of the ninth round. Padley, who replaced Floyd Schofield, who withdrew with a mysterious disease, was clearly not deep in the competition. But attributing to Padley when he took a brutal beating and still came. Between the eighth and ninth corner Padley warned him that the fight would be stopped, unless he stopped taking bulky skin. Stevenson then turned it on and it was all that was left from the left second of the next session. Stevenson kept his delicate WBC title, but he seemed to hurt his hand again in this process.
Compubox: Stevenson has landed 48% of his blows. Padley was a game, but he couldn’t survive Stevenson’s lasting attack. 41% of Power Punch Stevenson connections are body arrows. Three touches of the blow in the ninth round convinced the corner of Padley to throw in the towel.
Master’s Master WBC, Carlos Adames, maintained his green and golden belt, but not without a huge dose of controversy. In the face of one of the ambassadors of the Riyadh Turki season Alalshikha in Hamzah Sheeraz, Adames did more than enough to win the fight. Adames sometimes chose Sheeraz and beat him to the majority. Sheeraz did not do close enough to take the belt from the title holder. Ultimately, one result 118-110 looked correct, but it was excluded by two unfathomable sums 115-114 for Sheerase and draw 114-114.
Compubox: After the departure of Sheerase Adames 34-20 in the first four rounds, mainly in the strength of his stab, Adames left Sheeraz 123-101 during the next eight rounds. Adames threw 90 more power blows than Sheeraz and landed 42 more. Sheeraz landed 34 more stabs than Adames. One judge fired a fight for Sheeraz 115-114. One judge fired for Adames 118-1110. The third judge shot the fight 114-114- draw.
Vergil Ortiz Jr. He kept his transient WBC SUPER WELTER Wich title in the battle with the former 154-pound champion Israil Madrimov. The Golden Boy star, fighting in front of her Oscar de La Hoya promoter, took a few rounds to Madrimov’s work before she went to victory. Ortiz is now queuing to challenge the full owner of the Sebastian Funding title after winning 117-111 and 115-113 won twice on the results cards.
Compubox: In just three out of twelve rounds there were fighters separated by over 4 landed blows. Ortiz landed 30 more strokes and nine more power blows than Madrimov. 53% of Power Punch Ortiz connections are blows. One judge won 117-111, and the other two won 115-113, all for Ortiz.
Agit Kabayel secured his third scalp during the Riyjad season after the victories over Arslanbek Makhmudov and Frank Sanchez, stopping the Chinese Juggernaut Zhilei Zhang in six rounds. Kabayel survived the knocking in the fifth round, but his tenacious nature turned out to be too much for the next highly ranking name. As with its previous two efforts of Saudi Arabia, German was not stop. He wore Zhang. Until the sixth volume of blows and upper blows, the “great explosion”, which tried to breathe at his knee. Judge Mark Lyson reached the Count ten because Zhang had nothing to give. Kabayel raised the transient heavyweight title WBC, continuing to shoot in Oleksandr Usyk, who talked to Anthony Joshua.
Kabayel stops Zhanga in six with a combination of relentless pressure and body shots. #zhangkabayel #Beterbivbivol2
– World Boxing News (@Worldboxingnews) February 22, 2025
Compubox: Zhang 162-70 Kabayel from the second round. 63% of Power Punch Kabayel connections are body arrows. Kabayel landed 96 body blows from 17. Zhang tried to repel the fight in his favor, turning Kabayel at the beginning of the fifth round. Unfortunately, this was his last position when Kabayel recovered and knocked down Zhang with a wave of blows at 2:29 sixth round.
Early action
Former WBA champion Super Middle Wweight and the winner of the World Boxing Super Series Callum Smith won from the twelfth round of war with the rival of Great Britain Joshua Batsi. Both men enjoyed good spells during the fight, but it was a better start of Smith made a difference. In the perfect sixth round, Smith had Buasti, just to catch himself and, fortunately, got out of the round. From then on, Smith cultivated a bad cut, but he managed to see the victory. All three judges shot him for Liverpool Man 119-110, 116-112 and 115-113. Smith won the transient bulky weight of WBO and a chance to face the winner of the main event.
Mohammed Alakel also defeated the Engla Gomez wound in the main card opener to make him three professional victories. Delicate Saudi was in the cruise control. In addition, he did not see the need to move up and go to space. Alakel, who was trained by Joe Gallagher during his first fight since the disclosure of his diagnosis at the fourth liver and intestinal cancer stage, gained a cut -out of points.
Ziyad Almayouf began the Saturday action, winning each six against Jonatas Gomes de Oliveira. Almaayouf, fighting in front of his home crowd in the Kingdom of Arena, moved to 7-0-1 after the fourth season in a row of Riyadh.
Register on Bulletin WBN For free and receive daily messages directly in -mail. Never miss history.
Read all articles and exclusive interviews by Phil Jay. Learn more about the authorAn experienced boxing writer and World Boxing News Editor since 2010.

World Boxing News zapewnia wyniki na żywo i karty wyników dla Beterbiev vs Bivol 2, ostatnie wydarzenie Crescendo w Arabii Saudyjskiej.
Artur Beterbiev po raz pierwszy stawia swoje tytuły WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO i Ring Magazine z rywalem Dmitrijum Bivol. W październiku para walczyła z ekscytującym spotkaniem, a Beterbiev podejmował większość decyzji.
WBN strzelił do konkursu remis i będzie pod ręką, aby pokryć rewanż na żywo kolejną kartą wyników na główne wydarzenie.
Beterbiev vs Bivol 2 ScoreCard
Beterbiev vs Bivol wyniki
Dmitriry Bivol Uzadził rewelacyjne zwycięstwo rewanżu nad Arturem Beterbaiewem w Rijadzie, gdy Canelo zdobywca podniósł swoją pracę od pierwszego pojedynku, aby zmienić stoły na rywala kariery. Gdy Beterbiev wystąpił, rzucając bomby, Bivol podjął bardziej zmierzone podejście i upewnił się, że przewyższył byłego mistrza przez większość rund. Bivol wygrał dokładnie taki sam wynik, jak Beterbaview w pierwszej walce, gdy sędziowie przekazali 114-114, 116-112, 115-113 za Bivol. Obaj mężczyźni zadali swoje pierwsze porażki kariery przed trylogią.
Joseph Parker Buldozował się przez nieprzeszkolonego Martina Bakole’a po tym, jak wiedział, że gracz wojownika, który wiedział, że ma niewiele w zbiorniku. Bakole wkroczył z zaledwie 48 -godzinnym wyprzedzeniem, ważąc pełne trzydzieści funtów nad normalną wagą. Kongan wiedział, że miał tylko krótki czas na wyrządzenie obrażeń i wyrządził to pod koniec pierwszej rundy. Jednak w drugim Parker złapał go wysoko na głowie, a jego równowaga w pełni zniknęła. Wstał z hrabiego dziesięciu, ale trener Billy Nelson był już pod ręką, by już więcej mówić. Parker zawołał ringu Oleksandr Usyk po swoim zwycięstwie.
Shakur Stevenson Pod koniec dziewiątej rundy zabrał późnego substytutu Josha Padleya z siniakiem. Padley, który zastąpił Floyda Schofielda, który wycofał się z tajemniczą chorobą, wyraźnie od samego początku konkursu. Ale przypisanie Padleyowi, gdy wziął brutalne bicie i wciąż przychodziło. Pomiędzy ósmym a dziewiątym rogiem Padleya ostrzegał go, że walka zostanie zatrzymana, chyba że przestanie brać ciężką skórę. Stevenson następnie go włączyło i było to wszystko, co zostało z lewej sekundy następnej sesji. Stevenson zachował swój lekki tytuł WBC, ale wydawał się znów zranić rękę w tym procesie.
WBC Mistrz wagi średniej Carlos Adames Utrzymał swój zielony i złoty pas, ale nie bez ogromnej dawki kontrowersji. W obliczu jednego z ambasadorów sezonu Rijadu Turki Alalshikha w Hamzah Sheeraz, Adames zrobił więcej niż wystarczająco, aby wygrać walkę. Adames czasami wybierał Sheeraza i pobił go do większości. Sheeraz nie zrobił wystarczająco blisko, aby wziąć pasek od posiadacza tytułu. Ostatecznie jeden wynik 118-110 wyglądał poprawnie, ale został wykluczony przez dwie niezgłębione sumy 115-114 dla Sheeraza i losowanie 114-114.
Vergil Ortiz Jr. Zachował swój tymczasowy tytuł WBC Super Welter Waiter w bitwie z byłym 154-funtowym mistrzem Israil Madrimovem. Gwiazda Golden Boy, walcząca przed swoim promotorem Oscara de La Hoya, wzięła kilka rund do pracy Madrimova, zanim przebiegła do zwycięstwa. Ortiz jest teraz w kolejce, aby rzucić wyzwanie dla pełnego posiadacza tytułu Sebastian Fundora po zdobyciu 117-111 i 115-113 dwukrotnie wygranej na kartach wyników.
Agit Kabayel Zabezpieczył swoją trzecią skórę głowy Rijadu po zwycięstwach nad Arslanbek Makhmudov i Frankiem Sanchezem, zatrzymując chińskie juggernaut Zhilei Zhang w sześciu rundach. Kabayel przeżył powalenie w piątej rundzie, ale jego nieustępliwa natura okazała się zbyt wiele dla kolejnej wysoko rankingowej nazwy. Podobnie jak w przypadku jego poprzednich dwóch wysiłków Arabii Saudyjskiej, niemiecki nie był stop. Po prostu nosił Zhang. Do szóstego objętości ciosów i górnych ciosów wpłynęło na „Wielki Wybuch”, który próbował odetchnąć przed kolanem. Sędzia Mark Lyson osiągnął hrabia dziesięciu, ponieważ Zhang nie miał nic do dać. Kabayel podniósł tymczasowy tytuł wagi ciężkiej WBC, kontynuując dążenie do strzału w Oleksandr Usyk, który rozmawiał z Anthonym Joshua.
Były mistrz WBA Super Middle wweight i zwycięzca World Boxing Super Series Callum Smith zwyciężył z dwunastu rund wojny z rywalem brytyjskim Joshua Buatsi. Obaj mężczyźni cieszyli się dobrymi zaklęciami podczas walki, ale to lepszy start Smitha zrobiła różnicę. W doskonałej szóstej rundzie Smith miał Buasti, tylko po to, by się złapać i na szczęście wydostał się z rundy. Odtąd Smith pielęgnował zły cięcie, ale udało mu się zobaczyć zwycięstwo. Wszyscy trzej sędziowie strzelili go dla Liverpool Man 119-110, 116-112 i 115-113. Smith zdobył tymczasową wagę ciężką WBO i szansę zmierzyć się ze zwycięzcą głównego wydarzenia.
Mohammed Alakel Pokonany także Ran Engel Gomez w głównym otwieraczu karty, aby uczynić go trzy profesjonalne zwycięstwa. Lekka saudyjska była w kontroli rejsu. Ponadto nie widział potrzeby poruszania się w górę biegów i pójścia na przestrzeń. Alakel, który został wyszkolony przez Joe Gallaghera podczas swojej pierwszej walki od czasu ujawnienia swojej diagnozy w stadium czwartego wątroby i raka jelita, zdobył odcięcie punktów.
Ziead al levaef rozpoczął sobotnią akcję, wygrywając każdą szóstkę przeciwko Jonatas Gomes de Oliveira. Almaayouf, walczący przed swoim domowym tłumem na Królestwie Arena, przeniósł się do 7-0-1 po czwartym sezonie z rzędu Rijadu.
Uncard Card Cards
Parker vs Bakole
Parker |
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Parker KO2 |
Zhang vs Kabayel
Zhang |
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Kabayel |
47 |
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47 |
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Kabayel KO6 |
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Przeczytaj wszystkie artykuły i ekskluzywne wywiady Phila Jaya. Dowiedz się więcej o autorzedoświadczony pisarz bokserski i World Boxing News Editor od 2010 roku.

Dmitriry Bivol is a modern unquestionable master of lightweight heavyweight after he shot the triumph of revenge on Artur Beterbiev in the kingdom.
Bivol scored a sensational victory of the rematch over Beterbaiev in Riyadh, when Canelo the winner raised his work from the first duel to return the tables to his rival’s career. His plan of the game was huge when Beterbaiew passed, when inevitable bombs appeared. Bivol took up a more measured approach and made sure he surpassed the former master for most rounds.
Bivol will gather over Beterbaiev
Beterbiev managed to land his blows, but Bivol – like in the first fight, took them well and got up for this occasion. Beterbiev enjoyed his belt spell in the middle of rounds, when Bivol struggled with the immaculate volume of shots. However, he regained the wind on the seventh and dominated the episode with the facilitate of stab and combination.
Bivol won exactly the same result as Beterbiev in the first fight. The judges won Bivol 114-114, 116-112, 115-113. The WBN results card read 116-112 to Bivol.
Both men inflicted their first career failures before the trilogy.
Turki Alalshikh confirmed the third fight after the consequence, and Bivol and Beterbiv probably collided again in October in the Riyadh season, just like last year. After 24 rounds pulsating the main event again met the expectations when Bivol took WBC, WBO, WBA, IBF and Ring Magazine from Beterbiev.
Compubox: Both warriors came out more aggressively at the beginning of the rematch than during the first meeting. Beterbiev seemed to gain an advantage, starting from the third round, because Bivol 50-43 landed in rounds third to fifth. From the sixth round Bivol found another equipment, while Beterbiev released. Bivol landed 170 blows- the most by the opponent Beterbaiew. After the 35 blows and 12 blows landed for the round during the first meeting, Bivol was 46 and 14. Beterbiev reached two -digit numbers in five of the twelve rounds, respectively, and Bivol landed at least ten blows in eleven of twelve rounds. One judge won a fight of the fight. The other two judges fired 116-112 and 115-113, both for Bivol.
Card results
The combat card produced a few unforgettable moments on Saturday evening, starting from the coefficient. Joseph Parker He chopped Martin Bakole, his slow exchange. The Modern Zelander kept his fleeting heavyweight title after Bakole entered Daniel Dubois, who withdrew because of his illness.
Bakole flew to Saudi Arabia just 48 hours, weighing 315 pounds and looking, as if he just left the couch. Congan and his team knew that he had only a low time to cause injuries. At the end of the first, he landed a few shots, but as soon as Parker caught him with a solid shot in the head, his balance left the room. He did it in ten, but Parker got TKO.
Shakur Stevenson Josh Padley’s dead to stop the ninth round. Padley, who replaced Floyd Schofield, was clearly not in the depths of the competition. Stevenson has retained his airy WBC title and has gone to more significant challenges.
Carlos Adams He maintained his WBC title of medium weight in stunning controversy. In the face of one of the ambassadors of the Riyadh Turki season Alalshikha in Hamzah Sheeraz, Adames did more than enough to win the fight. However, one result 118-110 in favor of Adames, which looked correct, was excluded by 115-114 for Sheeraz and 114-114 for the divided draw.

Vergil Ortiz Jr. He kept his fleeting WBC SUPER WELTEIGHT title against Israil Madrimov 117-111 and 115-113, twice on the results cards.
Agit Kabayel He secured his third scalp in the Riyjad season after the victories over Arslanbek Makhmudov and Frank Sanchez, stopping the Chinese Juggernaut Zhilei Zhang in six rounds, breaking it with body shots. He won the fleeting heavyweight title WBC and hopes that he will land in the coming months.
Liverpool’s Callum Smith He won from twelve rounds of Joshua Batsi through a unanimous decision. In the perfect sixth round, Smith had Buasti, just to catch himself and, fortunately, got out of the round. From then on, Smith managed to see the victory. All three judges shot him for Liverpool Man 119-110, 116-112 and 115-113. Smith’s lightweight heavyweight won the fleeting WBO title.
Mohammed Alakel AND Ziead al Levaef It gave fans of Saudi Arabia something that they could support in an early action.
Register on Bulletin WBN For free and receive daily messages directly in -mail. Never miss history.
Read all articles and exclusive interviews by Phil Jay. Learn more about the authorAn experienced boxing writer and World Boxing News Editor since 2010.

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