Looking like a bodily, with the shape of the cruiser’s weight, Edgar Berlanga (23-1, 18 Kos) knocked out the unfortunate Jonathan Gonzalez-Ortiza (20-1-1, 16 KO) in the first round in the fight for a joint fight on Saturday evening at Caribe Royale, Orlando, Florida.
(Credit: melina pizano/matchroom)
35-year-old Gonzalez-Ortiz has recently released ten-year release, and the man looked it. His body structure looked like he was spinning around Tyson Fury because he had the same overdue Elvis Paunch. Where did Berlang’s management fight this guy?
Finishing the first round
Berlanga dropped Gonzalez-Ortiz with his left hook to his head. A moment later, Edgar joined his right hand, which flattened the very wounded Gonzalez-Ortiz. In the end, Berlanga finished his opponent with his left hand, which caused him to fall on the ropes and slipped onto the canvas like a giant snail. Judge Chris Juvenile stopped the fight. The stop time was 2:31 first.
It was supposed to be a struggle for super medium medium weight, but 28-year-old Berlanga appeared in a lightweight bulky weight at 169.6 pounds at the weight, which he blamed for the disease. However, Berlanga is huge for months since losing to Canelo Alvarez in September last year.
Unless he had flu on this fight, you would have to say that Berlanga was not in[putinthepochantiacalresultation168FUNTSIDZIELGASPAZSPROCKLUBSZLUBNOKNAPADAD200FUNTSTROPTSIDYSTABLEWITHS[PuttinginTheWorkandasCompleteteTgrzTgrzThe168-LbdivisionGHtberlangalookednearorat200+LBShewashugeinsidethertheRertheringandyoucouLdseetHadalotoFatonfextraxtraxtraxframee[włożyłpracyicałkowiciewyrastałoddział168funtówDziśBerlangaspojrzałbliskolubnaponad200funtówByłogromnywewnątrzringuiwidaćżemiałdużododatkowegotłuszczunanormalniewykończonejramie[puttingintheworkandascompletelyoutgrownthe168-lbdivisionTonightBerlangalookednearorat200+lbsHewashugeinsidetheringandyoucouldseethathehadalotofextrafatonhisnormallytrimframe
Bluly after the fight
“I was supposed to do it tonight. Some people can go to a bigger fight. He had nothing to lose, beat me and has everything to gain. I started to see how his eyes became swollen and so on. My team brought me this guy and I took him, “said Edgar Berlanga to Dazn Boxing a moment after throwing Jonathan Gonzalez-Ortiza in the first round in the first round in Orlando, Florida tonight.
Now I’m a free agent. I caught the flu a week before the fight. I was really diseased. I am 168 years ancient and I want to take over the division and become a king .. Jaime Mungia, Charlo, Caleb Plant and Canelo.
“Experience was amazing. I went from junior high school to College, “Berlanga said about his fight with Canelo.
He did exactly what he should do while passing through these guys. He had destructive power in these hands. The couple simply swept through Gonzalez. I like Caleb plant. I would like – said Eddie Hearn.
“Fuck,” Berlanga said, responding to what Hearn said. “I want to close my mouth. The time has come to retire him. “